Spirituality, Creativity
and Wonder


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Inviting You to Expand Your Awareness of Self and Spirit through Storytelling, Imagination and the Creative Arts

It is my joy to celebrate those everyday  "aha" moments when the worlds of Spirituality, Creativity and Wonder collide. It is in those moments that we pause. We stop and pay attention. We notice. We wake up. We become present. 

And Anything is Possible.

Have you noticed
that it is often in those
small and simple moments
that miracles happen and that connections are made
with Self, with the Sacred
and with Each Other?

On this website and in my work, with both individuals and groups, my mission is to share with you ways to use Storytelling, Imagination and the Creative Arts to reach a deeper, richer understanding and appreciation of life.

The process often seems fun and playful, which is a delight, but it is also very close to the heart of all that matters, that really matter to us. Things like relationship and belief, a place to belong and a reason for being.

These things, and so much more, become a part of the stories we tell and the images that we put onto paper.

  In the process of imagining, coloring, cutting, pasting, doodling, writing, telling and listening to our stories we often discover ourselves and come to appreciate the awesome journey that each of us walks along.

If you're in search of a speaker, workshop or creative event around the subjects of Spirituality, Storytelling, Imagination and the Creative Arts, read on. 

You'll find more info here:
 Group Workshops and Retreats

And, if you need a "walking partner", explore the  Spiritual Direction pages to see if the texture, color, flavor and flow of my work seems like a good fit for you.

One more word about Spiritual Direction
before you head off to those pages:

For most of my adult life I have taught arts and crafts classes and worked in that field as a teacher, author and designer. One doesn't have to be involved in the arts for very long before it becomes very clear that creativity and spirituality come along together into the moment. Into the now. It's quite a high! 

I have benefited immensely from what I've been able to discover about myself through these experiences in that field.  But those explorations in classes or group events went just so far into the world of Spirit, and then there seemed to be a point where it wasn't socially acceptible to go into those deeper layers of beliefs and doubts and struggles with core values.  I knew that my real work involved being authentic in the world, but I didn't know what to call it.

 Several friends of mine were taking training as Life Coaches, but that wasn't quite right for me. What I was most passionate about was exploring the intersection of Spirituality, Creativity and Imagination. My whole self. My whole being. Including the all of me that intersects the Sacred, by whatever name each of us calls this Mystery.

This is what I've found in Spiritual Direction and what I offer to you.


What I offer

  • Private Spiritual Direction Appointments

  • Creative Arts Workshops for both Individuals and Groups

  • Spirituality and Creative Arts Retreats

  • Storytelling Events and Presentations

  • Maureen Carlson Designs, including Sculpture, Poetry, Photography and Stories ... always the Stories

Website contents ©2014 Maureen Carlson Maureen Carlson